smoke, fumes Vin.i.204 (aroma of drugs) MN.i.220 (dh ˚ṃ kattā); AN.v.352 (id.); AN.ii.53; AN.iv.72 sq. AN.v.347 sq.; Ja.iii.401, Ja.iii.422 (tumhākaṃ dh-kāle at the time when you will end in smoke, i.e. at your cremation) Dhp-a.i.370 (eka˚ one mass of smoke); Vv-a.173 (for dhūpa, in gandhapuppha˚); Pv-a.230 (micchā-vitakka in expl. of vidhūma).
- -andha blind with smoke Ja.i.216;
- -kālika (cp. above dh- kāle) lasting till a person’s cremation Vin.ii.172 Vin.ii.288;
- -ketu fire (lit. whose sign is smoke) Ja.iv.26; Ja.v.63
- -jāla a mass of smoke Ja.v.497;
- -netta a smoke-tube, i.e. a surgical instrument for sniffing up the smoke of medical drugs Vin.i.204; Vin.ii.120; Ja.iv.363; Thag-a.14
- -sikhā fire (Ep. of Agni; lit. smoke-crested) Vv.35#2 (sikha) = Vv-a.161; Vism.416; also as sikhin Ja.vi.206. Dhumayati & Dhumayati;
Vedic dhūma = Lat. fumus; Gr. χυμός (mood, mind), χυμιάω (fumigate); Ohg. toum etc. Idg. *dhu cp. Gr. χύω (burn incense), χύος (incense). See also dhunāti