
adjective of the next world, divine, heavenly, celestial, superb magnificent, fit for exalted beings higher than man (devas, heroes, manes etc.), superhuman, opp. mānusaka human. Freq. qualifying the foll. “summa bona” cakkhu the deva-eye, i.e. the faculty of clairvoyance attr. in a marked degree to the Buddha & other perfect beings (see cakkhumant) DN.i.82, DN.i.162; DN.ii.20 (yena sudaṃ samantā yojanaṃ passati divā c’ eva rattiñ ca); DN.iii.219; SN.i.196; SN.ii.55 sq.; MN.ii.21; Iti.52; Thig.70; Pts.i.114 Pts.ii.175; Vism.434; Sdhp.482; Pv-a.5 (of Moggallāna) Tikp.278; Duka-pa.54. sota the d. ear, matching the d. eye DN.i.79, DN.i.154; Ja.v.456; also as sotadhātu AN.i.255; MN.ii.19; DN.iii.38, DN.iii.281; Vism.430. rūpa DN.i.153. Āyu, vaṇṇa etc. (see dasa ṭhānāni) AN.i.115; AN.iii.33; AN.iv.242; Pv-a.9 Pv-a.89. kāmā Snp.361; Dhp.187; Iti.94; also as kāmaguṇā AN.v.273. Of food, drink, dress & other commodities AN.i.182; Ja.i.50, Ja.i.202; Ja.iii.189; Pv-a.23, Pv-a.50, Pv-a.70, Pv-a.76 etc. Def. as devaloke sambhūta DN-a.i.120; divibhavattā dibba Kp-a.227; divibhāvaṃ devattabhāva-pariyāpanna Pv-a.14
■ See further e.g. SN.i.105; DN.iii.146; Snp.176, Snp.641; Dhp.236, Dhp.417; Pp.60; Vism.407 (defn) Vism.423.

  • -osadha magical drugs Mil.283;
  • -kāmā (pl.) heavenly joys (see above) Ja.i.138 (opp. mānusakā);
  • -cakkhuka endowed with the superhuman eye SN.ii.156; AN.i.23 AN.i.25;
  • -paṇṇākāra (dasavidha˚) the (tenfold) heavenly gift (viz. āyu, vaṇṇa etc.: see ṭhāna) Dhp-a.iii.292
  • -bhāva divine condition or state Pv-a.110;
  • -yoga union with the gods SN.i.60;
  • -vihāra supreme condition of heart Mil.225;
  • -sampatti heavenly bliss Ja.iv.3; Dhp-a.iii.292; Pv-a.16, Pv-a.30.

Ved. divya = P. divya in verse (q.v.), Gr. δϊος (*Διvιος), Lat. dīus (*divios) = divine. Cp. deva