point of the compass, region quarter, direction, bearings. The 4 principal points usualy enumerated are puratthimā (E) pacchimā (W) dakkhiṇā (S) uttarā (N), in changing order. Thus at SN.i.101, SN.i.145; SN.ii.103; SN.iii.84; SN.iv.185, SN.iv.296; Cnd.302; Pv.ii.12#6 (caturo d.); Pv-a.52 (catūsu disāsu nirayo catūhi dvārehi yutto), and passim
■ To these are often added the two locations “above & below” as uparimā & heṭṭhimā disā (see [as uddhaṃ adho SN.iii.124 e.g. also called paṭidisā DN.iii.176](/define/as uddhaṃ adho SN.iii.124 e.g. also called paṭidisā DN.iii.176)), making in all 6 directions: DN.iii.188 sq. As a rule, however, the circle is completed by the 4 anudisā (intermediate points; sometimes as vidisā: SN.i.224; SN.iii.239; DN.iii.176 etc.), making a round of 10 (dasa disā) to denote completeness, wide range & all pervading comprehensiveness of states activities or other happening: Snp.719, Snp.1122 (disā catasso vidisā catasso uddhaṃ adho: dasa disā imāyo) Thig.487; Pts.ii.131; Cnd.239 (see also cātuddisa in this sense); Pv.i.11#1; Pv.ii.1#10; Vism.408. sabbā (all) is often substituted for 10: SN.i.75; DN.ii.15; Pv.i.2#1; Vv-a.184; Pv-a.71
■ anudisā (sg.) is often used collectively for the 4 points in the sense of “in between,” so that the circle always implies the 10 points. Thus at SN.i.122 SN.iii.124. In other combinations as 6 abbreviated for 10 four disā plus uddhaṃ & anudisaṃ at DN.i.222 = AN.iii.368 four d. + uddhaṃ adho & anudisaṃ at SN.i.122; SN.iii.124; AN.iv.167. In phrase “mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṃ disaṃ pharitvā viharati” (etc. up to 4th) the all-comprehending range of universal goodwill is further denoted by uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ etc., e.g. DN.i.250 Vb.272; see mettā
■ As a set of 4 or 8 disā is also used allegorically (“set, circle”) for var. combinations viz. the 8 states of jhāna at MN.iii.222; the 4 satipaṭṭhānā etc. at Ne.121; the 4 āhārā etc. at Ne.117. See also in other applications Vin.i.50 (in meaning of “foreign country”); Vin.ii.217; SN.i.33 (abhayā), SN.i.234 (puthu˚); SN.iii.106; SN.v.216; DN.iii.197 sq.; Iti.103; Thag.874; Vv.41#6 (disāsu vissutā)
■ disaṃ kurute to run away Ja.v.340. diso disaṃ (often spelt disodisaṃ) in all directions (lit. from region to region) DN.iii.200; Ja.iii.491 Thag.615; Bv.ii.50; Pv.iii.1#6; Mil.398. But at Dhp.42 to disa (enemy), cp. Dhp-a.i.324 = coro coraṃ. See also J.P.T.S. 1884, 82 on abl. diso = diśatah. Cp. vidisā.
- -kāka a compass-crow, i.e. a crow kept on board ship in order to search for land (cp. Fick, Soc. Gl. p. 173 E. Hardy, Buddha p. 18) Ja.iii.126, Ja.iii.267;
- -kusala one who knows the directions Vin.ii.217;
- -cakkhuka “seeing” (i.e. wise) in all directions Ja.iii.344;
- -ḍāha “sky-glow,” unusual redness of the horizon as if on fire, polar light (?) or zodiacal light (?) DN.i.10; Ja.i.374 Ja.vi.476; Mil.178; DN-a.i.95; cp. BSk. diśodāha Avs.ii.198;
- -pati (disampati) a king SN.i.86; Ja.vi.45;
- -pāmokkha world-famed Ja.i.166;
- -bhāga Sk. digbhāga direction, quarter Vin.ii.217;
- -mūḷha Sk. diṅmūḍha one who has lost his bearings Dpvs.ix.15;
- -vāsika living in a foreign country Dhp-a.iii.176.
- -vāsin = ˚vāsika Dhp-a.iv.27.
Ved. diś & diśā, to diśati “pointing out,” point; cp. Gr. δίκη = diśā