adverb by day SN.i.183; MN.i.125; Dhp.387; DN-a.i.251; Pv-a.43, Pv-a.142, Pv-a.206 (= divasa-bhāge) Often combined & contrasted with rattiṃ (or ratto) by night; e.g. divārattiṃ by day & by night SN.i.47; divā c’ eva rattiñ ca DN.ii.20; rattim pi divā pi Ja.ii.133 divā ca ratto ca SN.i.33; Snp.223; Dhp.296; Vv.31#4; Vv-a.128
■ divātaraṃ (compar. adv.) later on in the day MN.i.125; Ja.iii.48, Ja.iii.498
■ atidivā too late SN.i.200; AN.iii.117.
- -kara (= divaṃ kara) the day-maker, the sun Thag-a.70 (Ap.v.16); Pv-a.155;
- -divassa (adv.) early in the day, at sunrise, at an early hour Vin.ii.190; SN.i.89, SN.i.91 SN.i.97; AN.v.185; MN.ii.100, MN.ii.112; Ja.ii.1; Ja.vi.31; Dhp-a.ii.8; Vv-a.239, Vv-a.242;
- -vihāra the day-rest, i.e. rest during the heat of the day Vin.i.28, SN.i.129, SN.i.132, SN.i.146, SN.i.193 = Thag.1241; Snp.679;
- -saññā consciousness by day, daily c DN.iii.223 = AN.ii.45;
- -seyyā = ˚vihāra DN.i.112.
Ved. divā, cp. diva