a messenger, envoy Vin.i.16 Vin.ii.32, Vin.ii.277; DN.i.150; SN.iv.194; Snp.411 (rāja˚), Snp.417. deva˚ Yama’s envoy, Death’s messenger AN.i.138, AN.i.142; MN.ii.75 sq.; Ja.i.138
■ -˚ṃ pāheti to send a messenger Mil.18, Pv-a.133.
Ved. dūta, prob. to dūra (q.v.) as “one who is sent (far) away,” also perhaps Gr. δουλος slave. See Walde Lat. Wtb. under dudum
neuter play, gaming, gambling Ja.iv.248.
Sk. dyūta, see jūta