

adjective one who has a host of followers, epithet of a teacher who has a large attendance of disciples; usually in standing combination sanghī gaṇī gaṇācariyo (see above) Also in foll.: Snp.955, Snp.957; Dpvs.iv.8 (mahāgaṇī), Dpvs.iv.14 (therā gaṇī); gaṇī-bhūtā (pl.) in crowds, combined with sanghā sanghī DN.i.112, explained at DN-a.i.280: pubbe nagarassa anto agaṇā bahi nikkhamitvā gaṇa-sainpannā ti. See also paccekagaṇin.


a large species of deer Ja.v.406 (= gokaṇṇa).