(freq. spelled gaṇḍikā, q.v.) = gaṇṭhi, viz.
- a knot, a tie DN-a.i.199 (catu-pañca-gaṇṭhik’āhata patta a bowl with 4 or 5 knots, similarly āṇi-gaṇṭhik’ āhata ayopatta Vism.108; but see āṇi); Dhp-a.i.335 (˚jāta = gaṇṭhijāta knotty part), Dhp-a.i.394.
- a block (or is it knot?) Vin.ii.136 (? + pāsaka; cp. Vin. Texts iii.144), Vin.v.140. Esp. in phrase gaṇṭhikaṃ paṭimuñcitvā Vin.i.46 Vin.ii.213, Vin.ii.215, trsld at Vin. Texts iii.286 “fasten the block on (to the robe)” but at i.155 “tie the knots. Also in dhamma-gaṇṭhikā a block for execution Ja.i.150 (variant reading gaṇḍikā).
- Name of a plant Pv-a.127
■ ucchugaṇṭhikā sugar cane: see ucchu.
- -kāsāva a yellow robe which was to be tied (or which had a block?) Ja.iv.446.