
adjective sick ill Vin.i.51, Vin.i.53, Vin.i.61, Vin.i.92, Vin.i.142 sq., Vin.i.176, Vin.i.302 sq.; Vin.ii.165 Vin.ii.227 sq.; Vin.iv.88, etc.; SN.v.80, SN.v.81 (bāḷha˚ very ill); AN.i.120 = Pp.27; AN.iii.38, AN.iii.143 sq.; AN.iv.333; AN.v.72 sq. Ja.i.150; Ja.ii.395; Ja.iii.392; Pv-a.14; Vv-a.76.

-ālaya pretence of illness -upaṭṭhāka (f
■ ī) one who attends to the sick Vin.i.92, Vin.i.121 sq. Vin.i.142 sq.; Vin.i.161, Vin.i.303, AN.i.26; AN.iii.143 sq.; -˚bhatta food for the attendant or nurse Vin.i.292 sq.; -upaṭṭhāna tending or nursing the sick DN.iii.191; -paccaya support or help for the sick Pv-a.144; usually with ˚bhesajja medicine for the sick in freq. formula of cīvarapiṇḍapāta˚ (the requisites of the bhikkhu): see cīvara; -pucchaka one who asks (i.e. enquires after) the sick Vin.iv.88 = Vin.iv.115 Vin.iv.118; -bhatta food for the sick Vin.i.142 sq.; Vin.i.292 sq. Vin.i.303; Vism.66. -bhesajja medicine Vin.i.292 sq. -sālā a hall for the sick, hospital SN.iv.210; AN.iii.142 Vism.259.

Sk. glāna, glā to fade, wither, be exhausted, explained suitably by “hāsa-kkhaya” at Dhtp.439