mountain; as a rule only in cpds, by itself (poetical) only at Vism.206 (in enumn of the 7 large mountains).
-agga mountain top, in giraggasamajja Name of a festival celebrated yearly at Rājagaha, orig. a festival on the mountain top (cp. Dial. i.8 & Vin. Texts iii.71). Vin.ii.107, Vin.ii.150; Vin.iv.85, Vin.iv.267; Ja.iii.538; Dhp-a.i.89. The BSk version is girivaggu-samāgama Avs.ii.24;
-kannikā (f.) Name of a plant (Clitoria ternatea) Vism.173; Dhp-a.i.383 (variant reading kaṇṇikā cp. Sk. ˚karnī;)
-gabbhara = ˚guhā Snp.416;
-guhā a mountain cleft, a rift, a gorge; always in formula pabbata kandara g˚, therefore almost equivalent to kandara, a grotto or cave Vin.ii.146; DN.i.71; MN.i.269, MN.i.274, MN.i.346, MN.i.440 = AN.ii.210 = Pp.59 (as giriṃ guhaṃ); AN.iv.437; expl. at DN-a.i.210: dvinnaṃ pabbatānaṃ antaraṃ ekasmiṃ yeva vā ummagga-sadisaṃ mahā-vivaraṃ;
-bbaja (nt.) [Etym. uncertain, according to Morris J.P.T.S. 1884, 79 to vaja “a pen,” cp Marāthī vraja “a station of cowherds,” Hindi vraja “a cow-pen”; the Vedic giribhraj˚ (RV. x.68. 1) “aus Bergen hervorbrechend” (Roth) suggests relation to bhraj, to break = bhañj = Lat. frango] = ˚guhā, a mountain cave or gorge, serving as shelter & hiding place Ja.iii.479 (trsl. by morris loc. cit. a hill-run, a cattle-run on the hills); Ja.v.260 (sīhassa, a lion’s abode) explained as kañcanaguhā ibid. (for kandara-guhā? cp. Kern
p. 130). SN.ii.185. Also N. for Rājagaha Snp.408 Dpvs.v.5; in its Sk. form Girivraja, which Beal, Buddh Records ii.149 explains as “the hill-surrounded,” cp. ib ii.158 (= Chin. Shan-Shing), 161; see also Cunningham Ancient Geogr. 462. It does not occur in the Avadānas;
-rājā king of the mountains, of Mount Sineru Mil.21, Mil.224;
-sikhara mountain top, peak Vv-a.4; (kañcana˚, shining).
Vedic giri, Obulg. gora mountain