gone to the heart, learnt by heart Mil.10 -gama [˚ngama] heart-stirring, pleasant, agreeable DN.i.4; DN.iii.173; MN.i.345; AN.ii.209; AN.v.205; Vin.iii.77 Mnd.446; Dhs.1343; DN-a.i.75. -pariḷāha heart-glow Mil.318. -phālana bursting of the heart Ja.i.282 -maṃsa the flesh of the heart, the heart Ja.i.278, Ja.i.347 Ja.ii.159 etc. (very frequent in the Jātakas); Dhp-a.i.5 Dhp-a.ii.90. -bheda “heart-break,” a certain trick in cheating with measures DN-a.i.79. -vañcana deluding the heart Snp-a.183 (cp. Ja.vi.388 hadaya-tthena), -vatthu 1 the substance of the heart Mil.281; Dhs-a.140 2 “heart-basis,” the heart as basis of mind, sensorium commune Tikp.17, Kp.26, Kp.53 sq., Kp.62, Kp.256; Vism.447; Snp-a.228; Dhs-a.257, Dhs-a.264. See the discussion at Dhs. translation lxxxvi. and Cpd. 277 sq. -santāpa heart-burn i.e. grief, sorrow Vism.54. -ssita stuck in the heart (of salla, dart) Snp.938; Mnd.411.
Vedic hṛdaya, hṛd = Av. ƶərədā, not the same as Lat. cor(dem), but perhaps = Lat. haru entrails (haruspex). See K.Z. xl.419].the heart.
- the physical organ DN.ii.293; SN.i.207 (ettha uro hadayan ti vuttaṃ Dhs-a.140); in detail: Vism.256, Vism.356; Vb-a.60, Vb-a.239.
- the heart as seat of thought and feeling, esp. of strong emotion (as in Vedas!), which shows itself in the action of the heart SN.i.199. Thus defined as “cintā” at Dhtm.535 (as had), or as “hadayaṃ vuccati cittaṃ, with ster. expln “mano mānasa paṇḍara” etc. Dhs.17 Mnd.412. Cp. Dhs-a.140 (cittaṃ abbhantar’ aṭṭhena hadayan ti vuttaṃ)
■ With citta at Snp.p.32 (hadayaṃ te phalessāmi “I shall break your heart”); hadayaṃ phalitaṃ a broken heart Ja.i.65; Dhp-a.i.173. chinna h id. Ja.v.180. hadayassa santi calmness of h. AN.v.64 sq. hadayā hadayaṃ aññāya tacchati MN.i.32. h. nibbāyi the heart (i.e. anger) cooled down Ja.vi.349; h. me avakaḍḍhati my heart is distraught Ja.iv.415
■ duhadaya bad-hearted Ja.vi.469.