
to bristle, stand on end (said of the hair) Vin.iii.8; MN.i.79; Caus. haṃseti to cause to bristle Ja.v.154
pp haṭṭha.

cp. Vedic harṣate Idg. *ĝher to bristle (of hair), as in Lat. horreo (“horrid, horripilation”), ēr hedgehog (“bristler”) = Gr. ξήρ id.; Lat. hirtus, hispidus “rough”; Ags. gorst = gorse; Ger. granne & many others, for which see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. ēr
■ The Dhtp (309) defines as “tuṭṭhi.” See also ghaṃsati2 pahaṃsati2, pahaṭṭha2, pahaṃsita2