- The Vedic god Indra DN.i.244; DN.ii.261, DN.ii.274; Snp.310, Snp.316, Snp.679, Snp.1024; Mnd.177.
- lord, chief, king; Sakko devānaṃ indo DN.i.216, DN.i.217; DN.ii.221, DN.ii.275; SN.i.219 Vepacitti asurindo SN.i.221 ff. manussinda, SN.i.69, manujinda Snp.553, narinda, Snp.863, all of the Buddha, ʻchief of men’; cp. Vism.491. [Europeans have found a strange difficulty in understanding the real relation of Sakka to Indra. The few references to Indra in the Nikāyas should be classed with the other fragments of Vedic mythology to be found in them. Sakka belongs only to the Buddhist mythology then being built up. He is not only quite different from Indra, but is the direct contrary of that blustering, drunken god of war. See the passages collected in Dial. ii.294, ii.298.] The idiom sa-Indā devā, DN.ii.261, DN.ii.274; AN.v.325 means ʻthe gods about Indra, Indra’s retinue’, this being a Vedic story. But Devā Tāvatiṃsā sahindakā means the T. gods together with their leader (DN.ii.208–DN.ii.212; SN.iii.90; cp. Vv.30#1) this being a Buddhist story].
- -aggi (ind’ aggi) Indra’s fire, i.e. lightning Pv-a.56
- -gajjita (nt.) Indra’s thunder Mil.22.
- -jāla deception DN-a.i.85.
- -jālika a juggler, conjurer Mil.331.
- -dhanu the rainbow DN-a.i.40.
- -bhavana the realm of Indra Mnd.448 (cp. Tāvatiṃsa-bhavana).
- -liṅga the characteristic of Indra Vism.491.
- -sāla Name of tree Ja.iv.92.
Vedic indra, most likely to same root as indu moon, viz. *Idg. *eid to shine, cp. Lat. īdūs middle of month (after the full moon), Oir. ēsce moon. Jacobi in K. Z. xxxi.316 sq. connects Indra with Lat. neriosus strong (Nero)