to move, to wander about stir; fig. to move, behave, show a certain way of deportment MN.i.74, MN.i.75; SN.i.53 (dukkhaṃ aticca iriyati); SN.iv.71; AN.iii.451; AN.v.41; Snp.947, Snp.1063, Snp.1097; Thag.276; Ja.iii.498 (= viharati); Mnd.431; Cnd.147 (= carati etc.); Vism.16; DN-a.i.70.
fr. īr to set in motion, to stir, Sk. īrte, but pres. formation influenced by iriyā & also by Sk. iyarti of; ṛ (see acchati & icchati2); cp. Caus. īrayati (= P. īreti) pp. īrṇa & īrita. See also issā