indeclinable adv. of succession or motion in space & time “from here”. “from now”.
with ref. to space:
- from here, from this, often implying the present existence (in opp. to the “other” world) Iti.77; Snp.271 (˚ja. ˚nidāna caused or founded in or by this existence attabhāvaṃ sandhāy’ āha Snp-a.303), Snp.774 (cutāse), Snp.870 (˚nidāna), Snp.1062 (from this source, i.e. from me), Snp.1101; Pv.i.5#7 (ito dinnaṃ what is given in this world); Pv.i.6#2 (i.e. manussalokato Pv-a.33); Pv.i.12#3 (= idhalokato Pv-a.64); Ne.93 (ito bahiddhā); Pv-a.46 (ito dukkhato mutti)
- here (with implication of movement), in phrases ito c’ ito here and there Pv-a.4, Pv-a.6; and ito vā etto vā here & there Dhp-a.ii.80
with ref. to time from here, from now, hence (in chronological records with num. ord. or card., with ref. either to past or future)
- referring to the past, since DN.ii.2 (ito so ekanavuto kappo 91 kappas ago); Snp.570 (ito aṭṭhame, scil. divase 8 days ago Snp-a.457; T. reads atthami); Vv-a.319 (ito kira tiṃsa-kappa-sahasse); Pv-a.19 (dvā navuti kappe 92 kappas ago), Pv-a.21 (id.), Pv-a.78 (pañcamāya jātiyā in the fifth previous re-birth)
- referring to the future, i.e. henceforth in future, from now e.g. ito sattame divase in a week Vv-a.138; ito paraṃ further, after this Snp-a.160 Snp-a.178, Snp-a.412, Snp-a.549; Pv-a.83; ito paṭthāya from now on, henceforward Ja.i.63 (ito dāni p.); Pv-a.41.
Vedic itaḥ, abl
■ adv. formation fr. pron. base *i, cp. iti, ayaṃ etc.