conquering, victorious, often of the Buddha, “Victor”: jitā me pāpakā dhammā tasmâhaṃ Upaka jino ti Vin.i.8 = MN.i.171; Vin.v.217; Snp.379, Snp.697, Snp.989, Snp.996. magga˚ conqueror of the Path Snp.84 sq.; saṃsuddha˚ (id.) Snp.372. Cp khetta˚. In other connections: Pv.iv.3#33; Thig.419 (jin’ amhase rūpinaṃ Lacchiṃ explained at Thag-a.268 as jinā amhase jinā vat’ amha rūpavatiṃ Siriṃ).
- -cakka the Buddha’s reign, rule, authority Ja.iv.100
- -putta disciple of the B. Mil.177;
- -bhūmi the ground or footing of a conqueror Pv-a.254;
- -sāsana the doctrine of the B. Dpvs.iv.3, Dpvs.iv.10.
pp. med. of jayati