- the hump on the shoulders of an Indian bull Ja.ii.225; Ja.vi.340.
- a cock’s comb: see sīsa kakudha.
- a king’s symbol or emblem (nt.) Ja.v.264. There are 5 such insignia regis, regalia: s. kakudha-bhaṇḍa.
- a tree the Terminalia Arjuna, Vin.i.28; Ja.vi.519; kakudharukkha Dhp-a.iv.153. Note. On pakudha as twin-form of ka˚ see Trenckner, J.P.T.S. 1908, 108.
-phala the fruit of the kakudha tree Mhvs.xi.14, where it is also said to be a kind of pearl; see mutta. -bhaṇḍa ensign of royalty Ja.i.53; Ja.iv.151; Ja.v.289 (= sakāyura). The 5 regalia (as mentioned at Ja.v.264) are vāḷavījanī uṇhīsa, khagga, chatta, pādukā: the fan, diadem, sword canopy, slippers
■ pañcavidha-k˚ Pv-a.74.
cp. Sk. kakuda, and kaku above