to cause to fit, to create, build, construct arrange, prepare, order.
I. lit
- in special sense: to prepare, get done, i.e. harness: Ja.i.62; plait DN-a.i.274, an offering (yaññaṃ) Snp.1043; i.e. to trim etc. MN.ii.155; Ja.i.223; Mhvs.25, Mhvs.64
- generally (to be translated according to the meaning of accompanying noun), to make, get up, carry on etc (= Fr. passer), viz. iriyāpathaṃ to keep one’s composure Thag.570; Ja.v.262; Bdhd 33; jīvitaṃ: to lead one’s life Pv-a.3, Pv-a.4, Pv-a.13; divāvihāraṃ to take the noonday rest Mhvs.19, Mhvs.79; nisajjaṃ to sit down Vin.iii.191; vāsaṃ, saṃvāsaṃ to make one’s abode DN.ii.88; Snp.283; Pv-a.36, Pv-a.47 saṃvāsaṃ to have (sexual) intercourse with Ja.iii.448 Mhvs.5, Mhvs.212; Pv-a.6; seyyaṃ: to lie down, to make one’s bed Pp.55 etc. (acelaka-passage = DN.i.166).
II. fig
- in special sense: to construct or form an opinion, to conjecture, to think Snp.799; DN-a.i.103
- generally: to ordain, prescribe, determine Ja.v.238 (= say vidahati)-Caus. ii. kappāpeti to cause to be made in all senses of kappeti; e.g. Vin.ii.134 (massuṃ k. to get one’s beard done); Ja.v.262 (hatthiyānāni k. to harness the elephant-cars); DN-a.i.147 (pañca hatthinikā-satāni k. harness the 500 elephants). Pass kappiyati in ppr. kappiyamāna getting harnessed Ja.i.62.
Der. from kappa, cp. Sk. kṛpa shape, form; *qṷrep caus. from. fr. *qṷer = Sk. kr, karoti to shape, to make, cp. karoti