

  1. Water-pot, drinking-vessel (= pānīya-bhājana Pv-a.251). It is one of the seven requisites of a samaṇa Vin.ii.302. It is called dhammakaraka there and at Vin.ii.118, Vin.ii.177. This means “regulation waterpot” as it was provided with a strainer (parissavana to prevent injury to living things. See also Mil.68; Pv.iii.2#24; Pv-a.185.
  2. hail (see karakā) Ja.iv.167; Mil.308; Mhvs.xii.9.
  • -vassa a shower of hail, hail-storm Ja.iv.167; Mil.308; Dhp-a.i.360.

Etymology unknown. The Sanskrit is also karaka, and the medieval koṣas give as meaning, besides drinking vessel, also a coco-nut shell used as such (with which may be compared Lat. carīna, nutshell, keel of a boat; and Gr. κάρυα, nut.) It is scarcely possible that this could have been the original meaning. The coconut was not cultivated, perhaps not even known, in Kosala at the date of the rise of Pali and Buddhism.