husbandman, cultivator, peasant, farmer, ploughman DN.i.61 (k˚ gahapatiko kārakārako rāsi-vaḍḍhako); AN.i.241; AN.i.229, AN.i.239 (the three duties of a farmer); SN.i.172 = Snp.76; SN.iii.155 (variant reading for T. kasaka) SN.iv.314; Vin.iv.108; Bdhd 96; DN-a.i.170; often in similes, e.g. Pv.i.1#1; Pv.ii.9#68 (likeness to the doer of good works); Vism.152, Vism.284, Vism.320. -vaṇṇa (under) the disguise of a peasant SN.i.115 (of Māra).
fr. kasati