, always in combination pād’odaka pāda-pīṭha pāda-k˚: either a cloth to wipe the feet with after washing them, or a footstool Vin.i.9, Vin.i.47 Vin.ii.22 sq., Vin.ii.210, Vin.ii.216. At Vv-a.8 however with pāda-pīṭha explained as a footstool (pāda-ṭhāpana-yoggaṃ dārukhaṇḍaṃ āsanaṃ). Bdhgh (on CV ii.1.1) explained pādapīṭha as a stool to put the washed foot on, pāda- kathalika as a stool to put the unwashed foot on, or a cloth to rub the feet with (ghaṃsana).
the meaning “bowl” seems to be preferable to Bdhgh’s forced interpretation as “towel.”
der. uncertain