- agreement, contract, pact Vin.i.153 (T. kātikā), Vin.i.309; Ja.vi.71; Mil.171, Mil.360
- talking, conversation, talk (adhammikā k., cp kathikā & kathā) Ja.ii.449
■ katikaṃ karoti to make an arrangement or agreement Vin.iii.104, Vin.iii.220, Vin.iii.230 Ja.i.81; Ja.iv.267; Dhp-a.i.91; Vv-a.46. In compounds katika˚; e.g. -vatta observance of an agreement, ˚ṃ karoti to be faithful to a pact Dhp.i.8; ˚ṃ bhindati to break an agreement Ja.vi.541; -saṇṭhāna the entering of an agreement Vin.ii.76, Vin.ii.208: Vin.iii.160.
to katheti or karoti?