
(& -kattika) Name of a month (Oct
■ Nov.), during which the full moon is near the constellation of Pleiades It is the last month of the rainy season, terminating on the full moon day of Kattikā (kattika-puṇṇamā). This season is divided into 5 months: Āsāḷha, Sāvaṇa Bhaddara (Poṭṭhapāda), Assayuja, Kattikā; the month Assayuja is also called pubba-kattikā, whereas the fifth K., is also known as pacchima-kattikā; both are comprised in the term k
■ dvemāsika
. Bhikkhus retiring for the first 3 months of the Vassa (rainy season) are kattika-temāsikā, if they include the 4th, they are k
■ cātumāsikā
. The full moon of Assayuja is termed k
■ temāsinī
; that of Kattika is k
■ cātumāsinī
. See Vinaya passages & cp. nakkhatta
■ Ne.143 (kattiko variant reading kattikā).

  • -cātumāsinī see above Vin.iii.263.
  • -coraka a thief who in the month of K., after the distribution of robes attacks bhikkhus Vin.iii.262.
  • -chaṇa a festival held at the end of Lent on the full moon of pubba-kattikā and coinciding with the Pavāraṇā Ja.i.433; Ja.ii.372 Ja.v.212 sq.; Mhvs.17, Mhvs.17.
  • -temāsi (-puṇṇamā) (the full moon) of pubbakattikā Vin.iii.261; Mhvs.17, Mhvs.1 (˚puṇṇamāsī).
  • -māsa the month K. Ja.ii.372; Mhvs.12, Mhvs.2 (kattike māse).
  • -sukkapakkha the bright fortnight of K. Mhvs.17, Mhvs.64.

cp. Sk. kṛttikā f. pl. the Pleiades & BSk. karthika