ladle, a spoon; explained by uḷunka Dhp-a.iv.75, Dhp-a.iv.123; by dabbi Pv-a.135. Used for butter Vv-a.68, otherwise for cooked food in general, esp. rice gruel
■ Vin.ii.216; Ja.i.454; Ja.iii.277.
- -gāha “holding on to one’s spoon,” i.e. disinclination to give food, niggardliness, stinginess Dhs-a.376 cp. Dhs trsl.300 n2.
- -gāhika “spoon in hand,” serving with ladles (in the distribution of food at the Mahādāna Pv-a.135.
- -parissāvana a perforated ladle Vin.ii.118
- -bhikkhā “ladle-begging,” i.e. the food given with a ladle to a bhikkhu when he calls at a house on his begging tour Thag.934; Mil.9; Dhp-a.iv.123; as representing a small gift to one individual, opposed to the Mahādanā Pv.ii.9#57; as an individual meal contrasted with public feeding (salāka-bhatta) Dhp-a.i.379.
- -matta (bhatta “only a spoonful of rice” Mil.8; Dhp-a.iv.75.
cp. on etym. Morris in J.P.T.S. 1887, 163