adjective sharp, bitter, acid, severe
- severe, sharp (fig.), of dukkha, vedanā, kāmā, etc MN.i.10 = AN.ii.143; Ja.vi.115; Thig.451 (= Thag-a.281) SN-a.56
■ painful, terrible, frightful (-applied to the fruits of evil actions and to the sufferings in Niraya: see kammapphala & niraya) Ja.iii.519; Pv.i.10#2, Pv.i.11#1 Pv.iv.1#8, Pv.iv.7#6
■ bitter, or perhaps pungent of taste DhS.291; Mil.65, Mil.112; Ja.iii.201. - (nt.) pungency, acidity bitterness DN.ii.349 = Ja.i.380; Thig.503 (pañca˚) Ja.vi.509
■ Note. Is k. to be written instead of kadukkha at Vv-a.316, where it explains maraṇa? Cp. Ja.iii.201 tesaṃ taṃ kaṭukaṃ āsi, maraṇaṃ ten’ upāgamuṃ.
-udraya causing bitterness or pain Ja.v.241, cp. dukkhudraya Ja.v.119. -odaka a bitter draught Sdhp.159 -pabhedana (adj.) having a pungent juice exuding from the temples, said of an elephant in rut Dhp.324 (= tikhiṇamada Dhp-a.iv.13). -pphala a kind of perfume made of the berry of an aromatic plant Ja.ii.416 = Dhp-a.iii.475 (kappūra-k˚-ādīni), cp. Sk. kakkolaka
■ (adj.) of bitter fruit Ja.ii.106 (of the mango); SN.i.57 = Ja.iii.291 = Dhp.66 (of kamma); Pv.i.11#10 (id.). -bhaṇḍa (sg. & pl.) spices There are 4 enumerated at Ja.iii.86: hingujīraka, singiveraka marica, pipphali; 3 at Vv-a.186 (as tikaṭuka, cp kaṭula): ajamoja, hingujīraka, lasuṇa; Pv-a.135; Dhp-a.ii.131. -bhāva stinginess Dhs-a.376. -rohiṇī the black hellebore Vin.i.201 (as medicine). -vipāka (adj. having a bitter result (of pāpa) Mil.206; compar. ˚tara SN.ii.128. -sāsana a harsh command Ja.vi.498.
Sk. kaṭu(ka), from *(s)qṷer to cut; cp. Sk. kṛṇoti (kṛṇtati), Lat. caro “cutlet.”-k. is almost exclusively poetical; usually explained in prose by aniṭṭha tikhiṇa, ghora (of niraya); often combined with khara opp. madhura, e.g. Pv-a.119