closeness, tightness close-fistedness, niggardliness. Explained as “the shrinking up of the heart,” which prevents the flow or manifestation of generosity. It occurs only in the stock phrase “vevicchaṃ kadariyaṃ k. aggahitattaṃ cittassa” in macchariya -passage at Cnd.614 = Dhs.1122 = Pp.19, Pp.23 = Vb.357, Vb.371; and in the macchariya expln at Vism.470.
der. by Bdhgh. as kaṭuka + añcuka (añc), a popular etymology (Dhs-a.376). At Dhs.1122 and as variant reading K in Vb we have the spelling kaṭakancukatā (for kaṭakuñcakatā?), on which and ˚kuñcaka see Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887, 159 sq. and Dhs. trsl. 300 n2-Morris’ derivation is kaṭa (kar) + kañcuka + tā (kañcuka = kuñcaka to kuñc, to contract), thus a dern fr. kañcuka “bodice” and meaning “being tightened in by a bodice,” i.e. tightness. Although the reading kaṭukañc˚ is the established reading, the variant reading kaṭakuñc˚; is probably etym. correct, semantically undoubtedly better. It has undergone dissimilatory vowel-metathesis under influence of popular analogy with kaṭuka. With kuñcikatā cp. the similar expression derived from the same root: kuṇalī-mukha, of a stingy person Pv.ii.9#28, which is explained by “sankucitaṃ mukhaṃ akāsi” (see kuñcita)