
  1. (adj.) broken, usually of teeth; Thig.260 (= Thag-a.211); Mil.342; Vism.51.
  2. (m. nt.) a broken piece, a bit, camma˚ a strip of hide Vin.ii.122; coḷa˚ a bit of cloth Pv-a.70; pilotika˚ bits of rags Pv-a.171; pūva˚ a bit of cake Ja.iii.276
  • -akhaṇḍa unbroken, entire, whole, in

  • -kārin (sikkhāya) fulfilling or practising the whole of (the commandments) Pv.iv.3#43 and

  • -sīla observing fully the sīla-precepts Vv.113 cp. Vism.51 & Bdhd 89.

  • -ākhaṇḍa (redupl. iter. formation with distributive function) piece by piece, nothing but pieces, broken up into bits Vism.115.

  • -ākhaṇḍika piece by piece, consisting of nothing but bits, in kh ˚ṃ chindati to break up into fragments AN.i.204 (of māluvālatā); AN.ii.199 (of thūṇā); SN.ii.88 (of rukkha); cp. Vin.iii.43 (dārūni ˚ṃ chedāpetvā); Ja.v.231 (˚ṃ katvā).

  • -danta having broken teeth, as sign of old age in phrase kh˚ palitakesa, etc “with broken teeth and grey hair” AN.i.138 and ≈ Ja.i.59, Ja.i.79 (id.).

  • -phulla [Bdhgh on Vin.ii.160; khaṇḍa = bhinn’okāso, phulla = phalit’ okāso.] broken and shattered portions; ˚ṃ paṭisankharoti to repair dilapidations Vin.ii.160 (= navakammaṃ karoti) Vin.ii.286; Vin.iii.287; AN.iii.263; cp. same expression at Divy.22. ; unbroken and unimpaired fig. of sīla, the rule of conduct in its entirety, with nothing detracted Vv.83#16 = Pv.iv.1#76 (cp. akhaṇḍasīla) = Dhp-a.i.32.

freq. spelt kaṇḍa (q.v.). Cp. Sk. khaṇḍa; explained at Dhtp.105 as “chedana”