

masculine neuter anything hollow and closed in (Cp. gabbha for both meanings) as

  1. the stomach or abdomen Mil.265, Vism.357; Sdhp.257.
  2. a closet, a monk’s cell, a storeroom MN.i.332; Thig.283 (?) = Thag-a, 219; Ja.ii.168.
  3. a sheath, in asi˚ Vin.iv.171.
  • -aṭṭhi a stomach bone or bone of the abdomen Vism.254, Vism.255.
  • -abbhantara the intestinal canal Mil.67
  • -āgāra (nt.) storehouse, granary, treasury: in conn with kosa (q.v.) in formula paripuṇṇa-kosa-koṭṭhâgāra (adj.) DN.i.134, explained at DN-a.i.295 as threefold, viz dhana˚ dhañña˚ vattha˚, treasury, granary, warehouse Pv-a.126, Pv-a.133;
  • -āgārika a storehouse-keeper, one who hoards up wealth Vin.i.209; Dhp-a.i.101;
  • -āsa [= koṭṭha + aṃsa] share, division, part; ˚koṭṭhāsa (adj.) divided into, consisting of. K. is a prose word only and in all Com. passages is used to explain bhāga: Ja.i.254; Ja.i.266 Ja.vi.368; Mil.324; Dhp-a.iv.108 (= pada), Dhp-a.iv.154; Pv-a.58 Pv-a.111, Pv-a.205 (kāma˚ = kāmaguṇā); Vv-a.62; anekena k˚-ena infinitely Pv-a.221.

Sk. koṣṭha abdomen, any cavity for holding food, cp. kuṣṭa groin, and also Gr. κύτος cavity κύσδος pudendum muliebre, κύστις bladder = E. cyst chest; Lat. cunnus pudendum, Ger. hode testicle


a bird Ja.vi.539 (woodpecker?).


Name of a plant, Costus speciosus (?) Ja.v.420.

cp. Sk. kuṭṭha