Lagati & Laggati
to adhere to, stick (fast) to (loc.), to hang from Vin.i.202; Ja.iii.120; Dhp-a.i.131; Dhp-a.iii.298 (ppr. alaggamāna); DN-a.i.257 (for abhisajjati); aor. laggi Pv-a.153 (tīre); ger laggitva Ja.iii.19; Dhp-a.iv.25; Pv-a.280 (but better to be read laggetvā making fast; as variant reading)
pp lagga & laggita; -Caus. laggeti to make stick to, to fasten, tie, hang up Vin.i.209; Vin.ii.117, Vin.ii.152; Ja.iii.107; Ja.v.164, Ja.v.175; Mhvs.7, Mhvs.9 (suttañ ca tesaṃ hatthesu laggetvā); Dhp-a.i.138. Caus. ii. laggāpeti to cause to fasten or stick, to make stick, to obstruct Ja.iii.241; Mhvs.33, Mhvs.11; Mhvs.34, Mhvs.48 (kalāpaṃ); Dhp-a.iv.183
■ Cp. ālaggeti.
with variant langati; the spelling with gg is the usual one. Root lag, as in Vedic lakṣa etc. Sk. lagati, pp. lagna (from the pp. lagga the double g has been generalized in P.: but see Geiger, P.Gr. § 136) perhaps to Lat. langueo, E. languid, from meaning “to lag,” but doubtful: see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. langueo. The Dhtp.23 gives lag in meaning “sanga,” which is the customary syn. in the commentaries. Cp. langī