- to scratch; to cut carve; write, inscribe MN.i.127 (rūpāni); Ja.ii.372 (suvaṇṇa-patte); Ja.iv.257 (id.), Ja.iv.488, Ja.iv.489 (jāti-hingulakena); Dhp-a.i.182; Pv-a.145 (nāmaṃ likhi wrote his name)
■ paṇṇaṃ l. to write a letter Ja.ii.174; (paṇṇe on a leaf). - to shave (off), plane Vin.ii.112 (inf. likhituṃ)
pp likhita
■ Cp. vi.˚
caus 1 lekheti (q.v.).
caus 2 likhāpeti to cause to be cut or carved [cp. BSk. likhāpayati Divy.547] Vin.ii.110; Snp-a.577; to cause to be written Mil.42.
likh; Vedic likhati, also rikh in Ved. ārikhati (R.V. vi.53, 7), cp. with palatal riśati, liśati. Connected with Gr. ἐρείκω to tear; Lith. rë̃kti to cut bread, to plough; Ohg. rīga = Ags. rāw = E. row
■ Dhtp.467 simply explains by “lekhane”