fish AN.iii.301; Snp.605, Snp.777, Snp.936; Ja.i.210, Ja.i.211; Ja.v.266 (in simile); (phandanti macchā, on dry land); Pp.55; Sdhp.610
■ maccha is given at Cnd.91 as syn. of ambucārin
■ pūti˚; rotten fish MN.iii.168; & in simile at Iti.68 = Ja.iv.435 = = Kp-a.127. Cp. J.P.T.S. 1906, 201. bahu˚; rich in fish Ja.iii.430. loṇa˚; salt fish Vism.28. rohita˚; the species Cyprinus rohita Ja.ii.433; Ja.iii.333; Dhp-a.ii.132 On maccha in simile see J.P.T.S. 1907, 121. Of names of fishes several are given in the Jātaka tales; viz. Ānanda (as the king of the fishes or a Leviathan) Ja.i.207; Ja.ii.352; Ja.v.462; Timanda & Timirapiṅgala; Ja.v.462 Mitacintin Ja.i.427; Bahucintin Ja.i.427.
- -maṃsa the flesh of fishes Snp.249.
- -bandha one who sets net to catch fish, a fisherman AN.iii.301; Vism.379
- -bhatta food for fishes, devoured by fishes Ja.v.75
- -vālaka a garment made in a particular fashion (forbidden to bhikkhus) Vin.ii.137.
- -sakalika “a bit of fish” (fish-bone?) in description of constitution of the finger nails at Vism.250 = Kp-a.43 = Vb-a.233.
cp. Vedic matsya