

  1. slow, lazy, indolent; mostly with ref. to the intellectual faculties, therefore: dull, stupid, slow of grasp, ignorant foolish MN.i.520 (+ momuha); Snp.666, Snp.820 (= momūha Mnd.153), Snp.1051 (= mohā avidvā etc. Cnd.498); Dhp.325 (= amanasikārā manda-pañña Dhp-a.iv.17); Ja.iv.221; Pp.65, Pp.69; Kp-a.53, Kp-a.54.
  2. slow, yielding little result unprofitable (of udaka, water, with respect to fish; and gocara, feeding on fishes) Ja.i.221.
  3. picu* (or puci˚) manda the Nimb tree, it means “tree” (? see picu-manda & puci-manda.
  4. In composition with; bhū it assumes the form mandī˚; e.g. mandībhūta slowed down, enfeebled, diminished Ja.i.228 Vb-a.157.
  • -valāhakā a class of fairies or demi-gods DN.ii.259 (“fragile spirits of the clouds” trsl.).

cp. late-Vedic & Epic manda