adjective crimson, bright red, fig. shining Vv.39#1 (cp. defn at Vv-a.177: like the tree Vitex negundo, sindhavāra, or the colour of the Kaṇavīra-bud; same defn at Dhs-a.317, with Sinduvāra for Sindha˚); usually in sequence nīla, pīta, mañjeṭṭhaka, lohitaka, odāta as the 5 fundamental colours: MN.i.509 (has ˚eṭṭhika in T. but variant reading ˚eṭṭhaka);; Dhs.617
■ f. mañjeṭṭhikā a disease of sugar cane Vin.ii.256.
fr. mañjeṭṭha, after lohita + ka