
flesh, meat SN.ii.97 (putta˚); Dhp.152; Ja.iii.184; Pp.55; Vism.258 Vism.357 (in compar.); Dhp-a.i.375 (putta˚); Dhp-a.ii.51 (alla˚ living flesh); Vb-a.58, Vb-a.61 (pilotika-paliveṭhita). Described and defined in detail as one of the 32 ākāras or constituents of the human body at Vism.252, Vism.354; Kp-a.46 Vb-a.235.

  • -ūpasecana sauce for meat Ja.iii.144 =; Dhp-a.i.344.
  • -kalyāṇa beauty of flesh, one of the 5 beauties of a girl (see kalyāṇa) Ja.i.394; Dhp-a.i.387.
  • -khādaka flesh-eater
  • -cakkhu the bodily eye, one of the 5 kinds of the sense of sight (see cakkhu III) DN.iii.219; Mnd.100, Mnd.354.
  • -dhovanī odaka water for washing meat Kp-a.54.
  • -piṇḍika a meat-ball, lump of flesh Vism.256.
  • -puñja a heap of flesh Vism.361 (in comp.) Vb-a.67.
  • -pesi a piece of flesh or meat (see on simile J.P.T.S. 1907, 122) Vin.ii.25; Vin.iii.105 (˚ṃ vehāsaṃ gacchantiṃ addasaṃ); MN.i.143; AN.iii.97; Mil.280 Vism.195, Vism.252, Vism.468; Dhp-a.i.164; Vb-a.235;
  • -lohita flesh & blood Dhp.150.

cp. Vedic māṃsa, fr. Idg. *memsro-, as in Gr. μηρός thigh, Lat. membrum limb (“member”); Goth mims flesh; Oir mīr bite, bit (of flesh)