
Maṭṭa & Maṭṭha

wiped, polished, clean, pure

  1. maṭṭa: DN.ii.133 (yugaṃ maṭṭaṃ dhāraṇīyaṃ: “pair of robes of burnished cloth of gold and ready for wear” trsl.); Vism.258 (variant reading maṭṭha) Cp. sam.˚-
  2. maṭṭha: Vv.84#17 (su˚); Mil.248; Dhp-a.i.25 (˚kuṇḍalī having burnished earrings); Vv-a.6 (˚vattha). Cp. vi˚.
  • -sāṭaka a tunic of fine cloth Ja.i.304; Ja.ii.274; Ja.iii.498 Vism.284 (ṭṭh).

pp. of mṛj, see majjati2