cloud Pv.ii.9#45; Vism.126; esp. a thundercloud storm, SN.i.100 (thaneti), SN.i.154; Thag.307 (as kāḷa) Iti.66; Ja.i.332 (pajjunna vuccati megha); Dhp-a.i.19; Snp-a.27 (˚thanita-sadda). In this capacity often called mahā-megha, e.g. Snp.30; Dhp-a.i.165; Kp-a.21; Pv-a.132
■ On megha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907 124, 125.
- -nātha having clouds as protectors (said with ref. to grass-eating animals) Ja.iv.253.
- -maṇḍala cloud-circle a circle of clouds Snp-a.27.
- -vaṇṇa cloud-coloured Ja.v.321 (C. for megha-sannibha); ˚pāsāṇa a sort of ornamental building stone Mhvs.30, Mhvs.59 (variant reading, T. meda˚ trsl. fat-coloured stones). See meda˚.
Vedic megha; not to mih, mehati (see mīḷha), but to Idg. *meigh-, fog, rain; cp. Sk. miḥ mist; Av maēga cloud; Gr. ὀμίξλη fog, Lith. mighá fog, Dutch miggelen to drizzle, also Ags. mist = Oicel mistr “mist”