
adjective empty, vain useless, stupid, foolish DN.i.187 (opp. to sacca), DN.i.199; Snp.354; Dhp.260 (˚jiṇṇa grown old in vain; C. explains as tuccha-jiṇṇa Dhp-a.iii.388); Dhp-a.i.110 (patthanā a futile wish); Pv-a.194
■ Opp. amogha SN.i.232;; Dhp-a.ii.34 (˚ṃ tassa jīvitaṃ: not in vain).

  • -purisa a stupid or dense fellow Vin.iv.126, Vin.iv.144.

the Vedic mogha for the later Sk. moha, which is the P. noun moha; fr. muh. BSk. mohapuruṣa e.g. at Avs.ii.177; Mvu.iii.440