pea-hen a peacock Ja.ii.275 (˚upasevin, see C. on this passage),,; Pv-a.142; Dhp-a.i.394. A peacock’s tail (sometimes used as a fan) is denoted in var. terms in compounds, as mora-kalāpa Dhp-a.i.387; -piccha Vin.i.186 -piñcha Vin.ii.130; -pīñja Pv-a.142, Pv-a.176; Vv-a.147 -sikali (?) Kp-a.49; -hattha Vv.33#44 (= mayūra-piñjehi kataṃ makasa-vījaniṃ); Pv.iii.1#17. Perhaps also as morakkha “a peacock’s eye” at Vb-a.63 (morakkhaka loha, a kind of copper, grouped with pisācaloha). It is more likely however that morakkha is distorted fr. *mauryaka, patronymic of mura, a local (tribal) designation (cp. murala), then by pop. etym connected with mora peacock. With this cp. Sk moraka “a kind of steel” BR.
the contracted, regular P. form of *Sk. mayūra, viâ *ma-ūra → mora. See also Geiger, P.Gr. § 27 Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 166. Vedic only mayūrī