to be a wise man or muni, to think, ponder, to know Dhp.269 (yo munāti ubho loke munī tena pavuccati), which is expld at Dhp-a.iii.396 as follows: “yo puggalo… tulaṃ āropetvā minanto viya ime ajjhattikā khandhā ime bāhirā ti ādinā nayena ime ubho pi atthe mināti munī tena pavuccati.” Note. The word occurs also in Māgadhī (Prk.) as muṇaï which as Pischel (Prk. Gr. § 489) remarks, is usually taken to man, but against this speaks its meaning “to know” & Pāli munāti. He compares maṇaï with Vedic mūta in kāma-mūta (driven by kāma; mūta = pp. of mū = mīv) and Sk. muni. Cp animo movere.
= manyate, prob. corresponding to Sk. med. manute, with inversion *munati and analogy formation after jānāti as munāti, may be in allusion to Sk. mṛṇāti of mṛ; to crush, or also mā mināti to measure out or fathom. The Dhtm.589 gives as root mun in meaning “ñāṇa.” The word is more a Com. word than anything else, formed from muni & in order to explain it