- released, set free, freed; as-˚ free from Snp.687 (abbhā˚ free from the stain of a cloud); Dhp.172 (id.), Dhp.382 (id.)
■ Dhp.344; Pv.iv.1#34; Pv-a.65 (su˚). - given up or out, emitted sacrificed Vin.iii.97 = Vin.iv.27 (catta, vanta, m.) AN.iii.50 (catta +). Cp. vi˚.
- unsystematised. Comp. 9, 137 (vīthi˚).
- -ācāra of loose habits DN.i.166 = DN.iii.40 = Pp.55 (where explained at Pp-a 231, as follows: vissatth’ ācāro. Uccārakamm’ ādīsu lokiya-kulaputt’ ācārena virahito ṭhitako va uccāraṃ karoti passāvaṃ karoti khādati bhuñjati)
- -paṭibhāna of loose intelligence, or immoderate promptitude (opp. yutta˚), quick-tempered Pp.42 (cp. Pp-a 223); Snp-a.110, Snp-a.111;
- -saddha given up to faith Snp.1146 (= saddhâdhimutta Cnd.512).
- -sirā (pl.) with loose (i.e. confused) heads Kp-a.120 = Vism.415.
pp. of muñcati; Sk. mukta
neuter urine Vin.iv.266 (passāvo muttaṃ vuccati); Pv.i.9#1 (gūthañ ca m.); Pv-a.43, Pv-a.78 enumerated under the 32 constituents of the body (the dvattiṃs-ākāraṃ) at Kp iii. (cp. Kp-a.68 in detail on mutta; do. Vism.264, Vism.362; Vb-a.68, Vb-a.225, Vb-a.248 sq. = MN.iii.90 = DN.ii.293 etc.
- -ācāra see mutta1.
- -karaṇa “urine-making,” i.e. pudendum muliebre, cunnus Vin.iv.260.
- -karīsa urine & faeces, i.e. excrements Vin.i.301; SN.iii.85; AN.ii.33; Snp.835; Mnd.181;; Vism.259, Vism.305 Vism.342, Vism.418 (origin of).
- -gata what has become urine Dhs-a.247 (gūtha˚ +).
- -vatthi the bladder Vism.345.
cp. Vedic mūtra; Idg. *meud to be wet, as in Gr. μύζω to suck, μυδάω to be wet; Mhg. smuz (= Ger schmutz), E. smut & mud, Oir. muad cloud (= Sk mudira cloud); Av. muprem impurity, Mir. mūn urine Gr. μιαίνω to make dirty