
filled by the (say 6 or more) month(s), i.e. heavy (alluding to the womb in advanced pregnancy), heaped full MN.i.332 (kucchi garu-garu viya māsācitaṃ maññe ti; Neumann trsls “wie ein Sack voll Bohnen,” thus taking m. = māsa2, and ācita as “heap” which however is not justified). This passage has given rise to a gloss at Vb.386, where māsācitaṃ maññe was added to kāyo garuko akammañño, in meaning “heavy, languid.” The other enumns of the 8 kusīta-vatthūni (AN.iv.332; DN.iii.255) do not give m. m. It may be that the resemblance between akam mañño and maññe has played a part in reminding the Commentator of this phrase. The fact that Bdhgh comments on this passage in the Vb-a (p. 510) shows that the reading of Vb.386 is a very old one. Bdhgh takes māsa in the sense of māsa2 & explains māsācita as “wet bean” (tinta māso), thus omitting expln of ācita The passage at Vb-a.510 runs: “ettha pana māsācitaṃ nāma tintamāso, yathā tintamāso garuko hoti, evaṃ garuko ti adhippāyo.”

māsa1 + ācita