- a water course Vism.554 (˚âtikkamaka); Mhvs.35, Mhvs.96; Mhvs.37, Mhvs.50; Snp-a.500 (= sobbha); Dhp-a.ii.141 (its purpose: “ito c’ ito ca udakaṃ haritvā attano sassa-kammaṃ sampādenti”); Vv-a.301
- tabulation, register, tabulated summary, condensed contents, esp. of philosophical parts of the Canonical books in the Abhidhamma; used in Vinaya in place of Abhidhamma Piṭaka; probably the original form of that (later) Piṭaka Vin.i.119, Vin.i.337; Vin.ii.8 [cp semantically in similar sense Lat. mātrix = E. matric i.e. register. In BSḳ. mātrikā Divy.18, Divy.333] AN.i.117 (Dhamma-dhara, Vinaya-dhara, Mātikā-dhara; here equivalent to Abhidhamma); Vism.312 (so pañcavasso hutvā dve mātikā paguṇaṃ katvā pavāretvā) Snp-a.15; Kp-a.37, Kp-a.99, Kp-a.117.
- -nikkhepa putting down of a summary, tabulation Vism.536, Vism.540. The summary itself is sometimes called nikkhepa, e.g. the 4th part of the Atthasālinī (Dhs-a.343–Dhs-a.409) is called nikkhepa-kaṇḍa or chapter of the summary; similarly m- nikkhepa vāra at Tikp. 11.
*Sk. mātṛkā