
(& variant reading; nicchādeti) to shake or throw about, only in phrase odhunāti nidhunāti nicchodeti at SN.iii.155 = MN.i.229 MN.i.374 = AN.iii.365, where S has correct reading (variant reading ˚choṭeti); M has ˚chādeti (variant reading ˚chodeti); A has ˚chedeti (variant reading ˚choreti, ˚chāreti; gloss nippoṭeti). The C. on AN.iii.365 has: nicchedetī ti bāhāya vā rukkhe vā paharati-nicchedeti (chid) is pardonable because of Prk chollai “to cut.” Cp. also nicchubhati with variant reading BB nicchurāti. For sound change P. ch<sk. kṣ cp. P chamā<k ch churik etc.

shows a confusion of two roots, which are both of Prk. origin, viz. chaḍḍ; choṭ; the former = P. chaḍḍeti, the latter = Sk. kṣodayati or BSk. chorayati, Apabhraṃśa chollai; with which cp. P. chuddha