putting down, laying down; casting off, discarding, elimination, giving up, renunciation; abstract or summary treatment. Dhs-a.6 344 ‣See under mātikā;
■in grammar pada˚ the setting of the verse; i.e. rules of composition (Mil.381).
■Vin.i.16 pādukānaṁ = the putting down of the slippers i.e. the slippers as they were, put down
■Ja.iii.243 dhura˚ giving up one’s office or charge
■Ja.i.236 sarīra ˚ṁ kāresi had the body laid out; Dīpavaṁsa.xvii.109 (identical). Vism 618 (= cuti) Dhp-a.ii.98 (sarīra˚) DN-a.i.50 (sutta˚) Dhs-a.344 Mil.91
Sk. nikṣepa, see nikkhipati