okāsa FIXME double


  1. lit. “visibility”, (visible) space as geometrical term, open space, atmosphere, air as space DN.i.34 (ananto okāso); Vism.184 (with disā pariccheda), Vism.243 (id.); Pv-a.14 (okāsaṃ pharitvā permeating the atmosphere). This meaning is more pronounced in ākāsa.
  2. “visibility”, i.e. appearance, as adj looking like, appearing. This meaning closely resembles & often passes over into meaning 3, e.g. katokāsa kamma when the k. makes its appearance = when its chance or opportunity arises Pv-a.63; okāsaṃ deti to give one’s appearance, i.e. to let any one see, to be seen by (dat. Pv-a.19.
  3. occasion, chance, opportunity, permission consent, leave AN.i.253; AN.iv.449; Ja.iv.413 (vātassa o. natthi the wind has no access); Snp-a.547
    ■ In this meaning freq. in combn. with foll. verbs:
    1. okāsaṃ karoti to give permission, to admit, allow; to give a chance or opportunity, freq. with pañhassa veyyā-karaṇāya (to ask a question), e.g. DN.i.51, DN.i.205; MN.ii.142; SN.iv.57. Vin.i.114, Vin.i.170; Mnd.487; Pv-a.222
      caus ˚ṃ karoti Vin.ii.5, Vin.ii.6, Vin.ii.276;
      caus 2 ˚ṃ kārāpeti Vin.i.114, Vin.i.170. katokāsa given permission (to speak), admitted in audience granted leave Snp.1031; Vv-a.65 (raññā); anokāsakata without having got permission Vin.i.114
    2. okāsaṃ yācati to ask permission MN.ii.123
    3. okāsaṃ deti to give permission, to consent, give room Ja.ii.3; Vv-a.138.
    4. with bhū: anokāsa-bhāva want of opportunity Sdhp.15; anokāsa-bhūta not giving (literally becoming) an opportunity Snp-a.573 Elliptically for o. detha Yogāvacara’s Man. 4 etc
  • -ādhigama finding an opportunity DN.ii.214 sq.; AN.iv.449.
  • -kamma giving opportunity or permission Snp.p. 94 (˚kata allowed); Pv.iv.1#11 (˚ṁ karoti to give permission)
  • -matta permission Snp.p. 94.
  • -loka the visible world (manussa-loka) Vism.205 Vv-a.29

ava + kāś to shine