neuter flight of steps from which to step down into the water, a ghat (= tittha Bdhgh) DN.i.223. The meaning is uncertain, it is trsld as “accessible” at Dial. i.283 (q.v. for further detail). Neumann (Majjhima translation i.513) trsls “ganz und gar erloschen (pabhā?). It is not at all improbable to take pahaṃ as ppr. of pajahati (as contracted fr. pajahaṃ like pahatvāna for pajahitvāna at Snp.639), thus meaning “giving up entirely.” The same form in the latter meaning occurs at Thag-a.69 (Tha-ap.v.3)
adjective = pahu, i.e. able to (with inf.) Ja.v.198 (C. pahū samattho).