parimaddati to rub, crush, rub off, treat, shampoo, massage Ja.iv.137 (sarīraṃ examine the body) Mil.241 ■ Of leather (i.e. treat) MN.i.128. to go together with, to frequent Dhp-a.i.90 (samayaṃ p.) pp parimaddita (q.v.). pari + mṛd
to rub, crush, rub off, treat, shampoo, massage Ja.iv.137 (sarīraṃ examine the body) Mil.241 ■ Of leather (i.e. treat) MN.i.128. to go together with, to frequent Dhp-a.i.90 (samayaṃ p.) pp parimaddita (q.v.). pari + mṛd