to bring to complete coolness, or training (see next), emancipation or cessation of the life-impulse, to make calm, lead to Nibbāna to exercise self-control, to extinguish fever of craving or fire of rāga, dosa, moha. Always coupled with the quâsi synonyms sameti & dameti (cp. damatha samatha parinibbāpana) DN.iii.61 = AN.iii.46 (attānaṃ dameti, sameti p.); MN.i.45 (fut. ˚bbapessati); AN.ii.68 (attānaṃ d. s. p.)
pp parinibbuta (see p. No. 3) & parinibbāpita (only in n. ag. ˚āpetar, q.v.).
pari + nibbāpeti