
touching contact, being attached to, hanging on, being under the influence of, contagion (Dhs. trsl. 316). In Asl.49, Bdhgh analyses as parato āmasantīti parāmāsā: p. means “they handle dhamma’s *as other”* (than what they really are e.g. they transgress the real meaning of anicca etc and say nicca). Hence the renderings in Asl. trs “Reversion,” in Dialogues iii.28, 43, etc. “perverted (parāmasāmi parāmaṭṭha)-SN.iii.46, SN.iii.110; AN.ii.42 (sacca˚); AN.iii.377 (sīlabbata˚), AN.iii.438 (id.); AN.v.150 (sandiṭṭhi˚) DN.iii.48; Thag.342; Iti.48 (itisacca˚, cp. idaṃsaccabhinivesa under kāyagantha); Pp.22; Dhs.381, Dhs.1003 Dhs.1175 (diṭṭhi˚ contagion of speculative opinion), Dhs.1498 (id.) It is almost synonymous with abhinivesa; see kāyagantha (under gantha), and cp. Cnd.227 (gāha p abhinivesa) and Nd ii.under taṇhā iii.1 C
■ See also parāmasa.

parā + mṛś, cp. Epic Sk. parāmarśa being affected by; as philos. term “reflection”