adjective grown, grown long, mostly in phrase -kaccha-nakha-loma having long nails, & long hair in the armpit, e.g. at SN.i.78; Ud.65; Ja.iv.362, Ja.iv.371;; Mil.163 (so read for p
■ kaccha-loma); Sdhp.104. Kern,
ii.139 s. v. points out awkwardness of this phrase and suspects a distortion of kaccha either from kesa or kaca, i.e. with long hairs (of the head), nails & other hair
■ Further in foll. phrases: mukhaṃ p bearded face Ja.iv.387; ˚kesa-nakha-loma Ja.i.303 ˚kesa-massu with hair & beard grown long Ja.iv.159 ˚kaccha with long grass; ˚massu-dāṭhika having grown a beard and tooth DN-a.i.263.
pp. of pa + ruh, cp. BSk. prarūḍha (-śmaśru) Jtm.210