
  1. clearness, brightness, purity; referring to the colours (“visibility”) of the eye Ja.i.319 (akkhīni maṇiguḷa-sadisāni paññāyamāna pañca-ppasādāni ahesuṃ); Snp-a.453 (pasanna-netto i.e. pañca-vaṇṇa-ppasāda-sampattiyā) In this sense also, in Abhidhamma, with ref. to the eye in function of “sentient organ, sense agency” sensitive surface (so Mrs Rh. D. in Dhs. tsrl. 174) at Dhs-a.306, Dhs-a.307.
  2. joy, satisfaction, happy or good mind virtue, faith MN.i.64 (Satthari); SN.i.202; AN.i.98, AN.i.222 (buddhe etc.); AN.ii.84; AN.iii.270 (puggala˚); AN.iv.346; Snp-a.155, Pv-a.5, Pv-a.35.
  3. repose, composure, allayment serenity Ne.28, Ne.50; Vism.107, Vism.135; Thag-a.258
    Note. pasāda at Thig.411 is to be read pāsaka (see J.P.T.S. 1893 pp. 45, 46). Cp. abhi˚.

fr. pa + sad, cp. Vedic prasāda